CE Cache
Speed Matters
CE Cache allows you to store and retrieve parts of your templates (fragment caching) so they don’t have to be run each time the page is loaded. Since much of the heavy lifting doesn’t have to be run on each page load, the performance increases can be astonishing.
CE Cache also supports full-page (static) caching. The static driver, which caches entire pages, uses a combination of file-based caching and .htaccess (or optionally nginx) magic to serve your pages. This allows the cached files to completely circumvent ExpressionEngine®, and to render very quickly.
It’s Easy
{exp:ce_cache:it for="1 day"}
[...template content to cache goes here...]
[...template content to cache goes here...]
Here are some of the great things that CE Cache has to offer:
- Speed. CE Cache is fast, and generally results in much faster page loads.
- Flexibility. You can cache dynamic items globally (accessible by id from anywhere in your site), or non-globally (accessible by id per page). Additionally, you can cache entire pages using the static driver. You can also specify the cache times down to the second.
- Options. You can easily choose to use file-based, database, APC, Redis, SQLite, Memcache, or Memcached partial (fragment) caching, or full-page (static) caching. You can choose which type of caching (driver) you would like to use on a global, site-wide, and/or tag basis. Multiple drivers can be picked for fragment caching, so if a method-call fails for whatever reason, it can fallback to the next driver down the line and try again until it succeeds.
- Plays well with others. CE Cache can work alongside the native EE caching. They can even be used in the same template together. Although, when using CE Cache, there really is no need to use any other caching (native or add-ons).
- Partial Caching. If you want to cache a huge chunk of content except for a few parts, you can easily escape that content when using fragment caching so that certain parts can remain dynamic.
- Cache Breaking. You can specify individual item’s ids, items tagged with a certain word, or even items within a path to be deleted (and optionally refreshed again) when an entry from 1 or more channels is updated.
- Cache Refreshing. Non-global (local) and static items can optionally be refreshed after they are deleted, saving you from having to go back to the deleted URL(s) to manually refresh the respective page(s). You can also pick a delay to remove and refresh each item, which spares your server the load of trying to recreate all the items at once.
- Convenience. There is an easy-to-use Control Panel UI for managing your cached content. Your cached items are organized into an intuitive hierarchy, and you can quickly find, view, and delete them for each of the supported drivers on an individual, path, site-wide, or driver technology level.
Please review the License Agreement and System Requirements.