
You will need:

  • ExpressionEngine® 2.x
  • PHP 5+
  • CE Image 2.4+
  • Command line access for installation if you are on Linux or Mac (the command line is not needed for installation on Windows) and would like to run compression technologies right on your own server (recommeded). You do not need command line access if you plan to only use the Yahoo!™ integration option. You can use the command line to simply install one or more of the following technologies installed on your server installation instructions):
    • optipng
    • pngout
    • jpegtran
    • jpegoptim
    • gifsicle
  • An understanding that support will not include installation of any of the server technologies (but lots of people have been able to follow the installation instructions without problems).
  • cURL will need to be installed, enabled, and working if you plan to use CE Lossless with Yahoo!’s™ driver.