Change Log
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Version 2.0.0 - February 12, 2016
- EE3 compatibility.
- New documentation.
- Docs are now packaged in the add-on download, in addition to still being available online.
Version 1.6.1 - July 18, 2014
- Updated: The markdown method is now EE 2.9+ compatible.
Version 1.6 - June 12, 2014
- Added: The show_protocol option to the auto_link method.
- Added: Added lowercase and uppercase custom methods.
- Updated: strtolower and strtoupper now support multibyte characters.
Version 1.5 - November 03, 2013
- Added: mb_strimwidth native method (truncating functionality for multi-byte strings).
- Updated: CE String will use the native Markdown class with EE version 2.7+. Older versions will use the included version.
- Updated: CE String now passes the {no_results} conditionals to the parser.
Version 1.4.1 - March 24, 2013
- Fixed: The math_lite method had a typo introduced in the last release that prevented it from working as expected.
- Added: The math_lite method now has an option to return a zero instead of blank for invalid results.
Version 1.4 - March 21, 2013
- Added: external_links custom method, which add
and optional HTML classes to external links.
Version 1.3 - February 17, 2013
- Added: The alternate custom method. An alternative to the switch parameter that preserves whitespace and can be prefixed.
- Added: The backspace custom method. Removes a specified number of characters from the end of a string.
- Added: The encode_email_bulk custom method. Encodes all email addresses within a block of text in script or human readable form, or a combination of both.
- Added: The replace_last custom method. Replace the last occurrence of a string in a string.
- Added: Support for the rawurlencode, rawurldecode, urlencode, and urldecode native methods.
- Updated: Gave auto_link the option of only linking URLs or email addresses.
- Updated: Markdown and made it more HTML5 friendly.
- Added: NSM Addon Updater compatibility.
- Added: DevDemon Updater compatibility.
Version 1.2 - January 11, 2012
- Added: roman_to_int and int_to_roman methods.
- Added: alpha_to_int and int_to_alpha methods.
Version 1.1 - December 19, 2011
- Fixed: strpos, strripos, and strrpos methods to prevent potential PHP errors from being thrown on early versions of PHP 5.
- Added: swap_breaks custom method.
Version 1.0 - November 10, 2011
- Initial Release