Custom Methods

Note: By default, you can separate arguments with a pipe (|) and lists with a comma (,), but you can easily change that. Take a look at the parameters page for more details.


Allows EE code in the tagdata to be executed.

  • query: Allow exp:query tags? Can be "yes" or "no", default is "no"
  • embed: Allow embed= tags? Can be "yes" or "no", default is "no"

The following would execute any EE code that was passed in through the custom field:

{exp:ce_str:ing allow_eecode}{custom_field}{/exp:ce_str:ing}

If {custom_field} was a variable representing an entry custom field that contained {path='contact'}, then the tag would return the url to the contact page.

The following would permit embeds and query tags:

{exp:ce_str:ing allow_eecode="yes|yes"}{custom_field}{/exp:ce_str:ing}


Converts alphabetic characters to an integer representation. This is the opposite of the int_to_alpha method.22

  • zero based: Should A = 0 ("no") or A = 1 ("yes")? The default is "no", which means A = 1, B = 2, etc
{exp:ce_str:ing strtolower alpha_to_int}A{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing strtolower alpha_to_int}Z{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing strtolower alpha_to_int}HJ{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing strtolower alpha_to_int="yes"}A{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing strtolower alpha_to_int="yes"}Z{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing strtolower alpha_to_int="yes"}HJ{/exp:ce_str:ing}




An alternative to the switch param that preserves whitespace and can be prefixed. Easily alternates between strings.

{exp:ce_str:ing alternate}

Results in:



Replaces all & that are not entities with &amp;.

{exp:ce_str:ing amped}Cause & Effect{/exp:ce_str:ing}


Cause &amp; Effect


Auto-links URLs.

  • target: Optionally set the target attribute to open in a new window by setting to _blank
  • type: Can be all (links both URLs and email addresses), url (only links URLs), or email (only links email addresses). Defaults to all.
  • show_protocol: Can be yes or no. The default is yes. If set to no, then the anchor text will not include the 'http://' or 'https://' part of the URL (the href= attribute will still include the protocol part of the URL).

The following would auto-link all of the URLs passed in through the custom field

{exp:ce_str:ing auto_link}Take a look at or send an email to!{/exp:ce_str:ing}


Take a look at <a href=""></a> or send an email to <a href=""></a>!

This would auto-link the URLs and have them open in a new window:

{exp:ce_str:ing auto_link="_blank"}Take a look at or send an email to!{/exp:ce_str:ing}


Take a look at <a href="" target="_blank" ></a> or send an email to <a href=""></a>!


From the EE docs:

This function takes a string of text and returns typographically correct XHTML. It’s primary modifications are

  • turns double spaces into paragraphs.
  • adds line breaks where there are single spaces.
  • turns single and double quotes into curly quotes.
  • turns three dots into ellipsis.
  • turns double dashes into em-dashes."
{exp:ce_str:ing auto_typography}
"Lorem ipsum" dolor sit amet', consectetur adipiscing elit... In fringilla elit--id est congue--non malesuada diam viverra.

Mauris libero libero, lacinia id accumsan ac, dapibus id lacus 7-10. In sit amet lectus arcu, ac pretium odio.


<p>&#8220;Lorem ipsum&#8221; dolor sit amet&#8217;, consectetur adipiscing elit&#8230; In fringilla elit&#8212;id est congue&#8212;non malesuada diam viverra.</p>

<p>Mauris libero libero, lacinia id accumsan ac, dapibus id lacus 7-10. In sit amet lectus arcu, ac pretium odio.</p>

Or in human-readable format:

“Lorem ipsum” dolor sit amet’, consectetur adipiscing elit… In fringilla elit—id est congue—non malesuada diam viverra.

Mauris libero libero, lacinia id accumsan ac, dapibus id lacus 7-10. In sit amet lectus arcu, ac pretium odio.


Removes a specified number of characters from the end of a string.

  • characters: The number of characters to remove from the end of the string.

The following example removes the last 7 characters from the string:

{exp:ce_str:ing backspace="7"}Causing Effect{/exp:ce_str:ing}




Encodes all email addresses in script or human readable form. The 'fallback' option will script-encode the email address, and give a human-readable fallback version.

  • type: Can be script, noscript, or fallback. The default is script.
  • at replacement: If using the noscript or fallback type, this sub parameter specifies the text to use for the human-readable @ character. The default is at.
  • dot replacement: If using the noscript or fallback type, this sub parameter specifies the text to use for the human-readable . character. The default is dot.
  • opener: If using the noscript or fallback type, this sub parameter specifies the opening text to wrap the anchor element's text in. The default is (.
  • closer: If using the noscript or fallback type, this sub parameter specifies the closing text to wrap the anchor element's text in. The default is ).

script example

This will encode all of the email addresses using the native EE email encoding method:

{exp:ce_str:ing encode_email_bulk="script"}
Ut wisi <a href="">Example</a> enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud


Ut wisi Example enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

Result HTML:

Ut wisi <span data-eeEncEmail_poaJhtfIwo='1'>.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)</span><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 69','>','\"',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',' 64',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '&#'));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_poaJhtfIwo'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/</script> enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud <span data-eeEncEmail_DpZzlTckSs='1'>.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)</span><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 46',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',' 64',' 116',' 115',' 101',' 116','>','\"',' 46',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',' 64',' 116',' 115',' 101',' 116',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '&#'));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_DpZzlTckSs'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/</script>

fallback example

This will use the native EE email encoding method too, but it will provide the friendlier human-readable version of the email address (like Example (example at example dot com)), instead of the cryptic .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) message if JavaScript is not enabled.

{exp:ce_str:ing encode_email_bulk="fallback"}
Ut wisi <a href="">Example</a> enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud


Ut wisi Example (example at example dot com) enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud test at example dot com

Result HTML:

Ut wisi <span data-eeEncEmail_ImGevBtWxU='1'>Example  (example at example dot com)</span><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 69','>','\"',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',' 64',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '&#'));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_ImGevBtWxU'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/</script> enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud <span data-eeEncEmail_kBYNPuXYuq='1'>test at example dot com</span><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 46',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',' 64',' 116',' 115',' 101',' 116','>','\"',' 46',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',' 64',' 116',' 115',' 101',' 116',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '&#'));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_kBYNPuXYuq'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/</script>

noscript example

This method converts all email anchor links and text email addresses into a human-readable email address. You can customize the output format using the sub parameters.

{exp:ce_str:ing encode_email_bulk="noscript|[at]|[dot]|&lt;|&gt;"}
Ut wisi <a href="">Example</a> enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud


Ut wisi Example <example[at]example[dot]com> enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud test[at]example[dot]com[dot]

Result HTML:

Ut wisi Example &lt;example[at]example[dot]com&gt; enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud test[at]example[dot]com[dot]


Creates a human-readable "encoded" email address, without JavaScript.

{exp:ce_str:ing encode_email_noscript}{/exp:ce_str:ing}


blah at example dot com


From the EE docs:

"This function encodes email addresses with Javascript, to assist in prevention of email harvesting by bots."

  • title: The text to use as the title of the email link. Defaults to ''
  • anchor: Whether or not a clickable link is created for the email address. Can be "yes" or "no", default is "yes"
{exp:ce_str:ing encode_email_script}{/exp:ce_str:ing}


<span data-eeEncEmail_YGsXvpXJMN='1'>.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)</span><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',' 64',' 104',' 97',' 108',' 98','>','\"',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 101',' 108',' 112',' 109',' 97',' 120',' 101',' 64',' 104',' 97',' 108',' 98',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '&#'));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_YGsXvpXJMN'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/</script>


Expands unexpanded escape sequences like \n and \t.

{exp:ce_str:ing expand_escaped}This\nis\na\t\ttest{/exp:ce_str:ing}


a               test


Adds a target="_blank" attribute to all external links (links to remote domains). It optionally allows certain domains to be ignored, and has the ability to add one or more HTML classes to any external links (in addition to the target="_blank" attribute). It works with http://, https://, and // (protocol relative) links.

  • ignored domains: Domains to ignore. These will not be flagged as external domains. If there are multiple domains to ignore, delimit them with the array_delimiter (defaults to ')
  • add class(es): One or more HTML classes to assign to the link. If the link already has one or more classes, they will automatically be combined.
  • ignore current domain: Whether or not to ignore the current domain. If set to no, fully quantified links for the current site (links that start with http://, https://, or //) will be treated as external links. The default is yes.
{exp:ce_str:ing external_links="|external foreign"}
<p><a href="/">internal URI example</a></p>
<p><a href="" class="external example">external HTTP URI</a></p>
<p><a href="">email example</a></p>
<p><a href="//" target="_top">external protocol relative URI</a></p>
<p><a href="">external HTTPS URI</a></p>
<p><a href="">ignored external HTTPS URI</a></p>
<p><a href="&#123;path='about'&#125;">current domain (not external)</a></p>


<p><a href="/">internal URI example</a></p>
<p><a href="" class="external example foreign" target="_blank">external HTTP URI</a></p>
<p><a href="">email example</a></p>
<p><a href="//" target="_blank" class="external foreign">external protocol relative URI</a></p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" class="external foreign">external HTTPS URI</a></p>
<p><a href="">ignored external HTTPS URI</a></p>
<p><a href="">current domain (not external)</a></p>

Note: All domain names automatically add a rule to ignore the domain name with a www. prefix, in addition to the specified domain name. So if my current domain is, then would also be ignored automatically. This holds true for both the current domain (sub parameter 3) and ignored domains (sub parameter 1).


From the EE docs:

"This function performs the character transformation portion of the XHTML typography only, i.e. curly quotes, ellipsis, ampersand, etc."

{exp:ce_str:ing format_characters}{custom_field}{/exp:ce_str:ing}


Highlights a given phrase or phrases in the tagdata text.

  • phrase: The phrase(s) to search for. If there are multiple phrases, delimit them with the array_delimiter
  • format: The format(s) to replaced the found instances of the phrase(s). If there are multiple formats, delimit them with the array_delimiter. It is possible to have multiple phrases and 1 format, or multiple phrases and the same number of formats. The default value is: <span class="highlight">\1</span>. The \1 will be replaced with the found phrase
  • html: Can be "yes" or "no", default is "yes"

The following will wrap any found instances of the word foo in the default span with a class of "highlight":

{exp:ce_str:ing highlight='foo'}{custom_field}{/exp:ce_str:ing}

The following will wrap any found instances of the words foo, bar, and blah in a span with a class of "terms"

{exp:ce_str:ing highlight='foo,bar,blah|<span class="terms">\1</span>'}{custom_field}{/exp:ce_str:ing}


Converts an integer to an alphabetic representation, like A-Z, AA-ZZ, etc. This is the opposite of the alpha_to_int method.

  • zero based: Should 0 = A ("yes") or 1 = A ("no")? The default is "no", which means 1 = A, 2 = B, etc
{exp:ce_str:ing int_to_alpha}0{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing int_to_alpha}25{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing int_to_alpha}217{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing int_to_alpha="yes"}0{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing int_to_alpha="yes"}25{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing int_to_alpha="yes"}217{/exp:ce_str:ing}




Converts an integer to a Roman numeral. This is the opposite of the roman_to_int method.

{exp:ce_str:ing int_to_roman}1910{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing int_to_roman}1954{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing int_to_roman}1990{/exp:ce_str:ing}




Make a string lowercase. This will automatically work with multi-byte strings if possible (if the mb_strtolower function is available to PHP).

{exp:ce_str:ing lowercase}Mary Had A Little Lamb in São Paulo and She LOVED It So{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: mary had a little lamb in são paulo and she loved it so


A simple matheval function. Can handle simple numeric calculations.

Return 0 (zero) for empty values?: If set to yes, if the data is invalid or empty, the number zero (0) will be returned instead of the default empty data. The default is no.

{exp:ce_str:ing math_lite} 10 + 3 / 12{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: 10.25

{exp:ce_str:ing math_lite} ( 10 + 3 ) / 12{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: 1.0833333333333

In the following example, the data is invalid so it returns empty:

{exp:ce_str:ing math_lite} / {/exp:ce_str:ing}


For the below example, the return zero for empty values option is set to yes, so a zero is returned instead of an empty return value:

{exp:ce_str:ing math_lite="yes"} / {/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: 0


Gets (X)HTML from a Markdown Extra markup string.


  • html: Should the output be HTML? A value of 'yes' will produce HTML (default), a value of 'no' will produce XHTML.
{exp:ce_str:ing markdown}## A **simple** _example_.{/exp:ce_str:ing}


<h2>A <strong>simple</strong> <em>example</em>.</h2>


Evaluates the string as PHP.

This method was inspired by the old first-party add-on, but with several added benefits:

  • The output is actually returned where you called the tag in your template (as opposed to always being returned at the top).
  • You can open and close PHP tags multiple times.
  • You can nest the tags and leverage variable prefixing.

Note: This method will allow anyone with coding access to your templates to have full access to the power of PHP (in other words, they can play God with your server). You can optionally disable this method in your config settings.

{exp:ce_str:ing php}
    <?php echo 'Finally, PHP can be used in templates!'; ?>


Finally, PHP can be used in templates!

Pseudo Tags

If you want to get around using early parse order (or because you prefer it), you can use {php} to represent an opening php tag and {/php} to represent a closing php tag.

{exp:ce_str:ing php}
Today ({php} echo date("Y-m-d"); {/php}) is a {php}
    //create mood options array
    $moods = array( 'bad', 'good', 'fantastic', 'terrible', 'blah' );

    //randomly select a mood and echo it
    echo $moods[ mt_rand( 0, count( $moods ) - 1 ) ];
{/php} day.


Today (2016-01-13) is a good day.

Note: The above example would normally reflect the current date, but this page is static, so the example is too. ;)


Simplified preg_replace method. This method is much like the "replace" method, except you can use regex.

  • find: The text to find. To pass in multiple find strings, delimit the values with the array_delimiter. The default value is ''
  • replace: The text to replace the found strings. To pass in multiple find strings, delimit the values with the array_delimiter. The default value is ''
  • modifier: If you would like to pass in a modifier, like 'Usi'
{exp:ce_str:ing preg_rep='cow,moon|cat,spoon|Us'}The cow jumped over the moon.{/exp:ce_str:ing}


The cat jumped over the spoon.


Removes EE variable tags that have no spaces in them. Ex: {blah}

{exp:ce_str:ing remove_ee_vars}Blah blah {blah} blah.{/exp:ce_str:ing}


Blah blah  blah.


Will remove all HTML. No prisoners.

{exp:ce_str:ing remove_html}<p>This is some <span class="blah">html</span>.</p>{/exp:ce_str:ing}


This is some html.


Will remove the specified tags.

  • tags: One or more tags to remove (can be delimited with the array_delimiter)
  • strip content: Whether or not to remove the content within the stripped tags. Can be "yes" or "no", default is "no"
{exp:ce_str:ing remove_tags='span'}<p>This is a <span>great</span> test.</p>{/exp:ce_str:ing}


<p>This is a great test.</p>
{exp:ce_str:ing remove_tags='span|yes'}<p>This is a <span>great</span> test.</p>{/exp:ce_str:ing}


<p>This is a test.</p>


Will remove all tags except the ones specified.

  • tags: One or more tags to keep (can be delimited with the array_delimiter)
{exp:ce_str:ing remove_tags_except='span'}<p>This is a <span>great</span> test.</p>{/exp:ce_str:ing}


This is a <span>great</span> test.


Find and replace.

  • find: The text to find. To pass in multiple find strings, delimit them with the array_delimiter. The default value is ''
  • replace: The text to replace the found strings. To pass in multiple find strings, delimit them with the array_delimiter. The default value is ''
{exp:ce_str:ing replace='cow,moon|cat,spoon'}The cow jumped over the moon.{/exp:ce_str:ing}


The cat jumped over the spoon.


Replace the last occurrence of a string in a string.

  • find: The text to find.
  • replace: The text to replace the found strings with.
{exp:ce_str:ing replace_last='boom|pow'}boom, boom, pow{/exp:ce_str:ing}


boom, pow, pow


Converts a Roman numeral to an integer. This is the opposite of the int_to_roman method.

{exp:ce_str:ing roman_to_int}MCMX{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing roman_to_int}MCMLIV{/exp:ce_str:ing}
{exp:ce_str:ing roman_to_int}MCMXC{/exp:ce_str:ing}




Converts a string to sentence case.

{exp:ce_str:ing sentence_case}this should *REALLY* be A sentence!{/exp:ce_str:ing}


This should *really* be a sentence!


Easy to implement typography helper. Alias for the format_characters method.

{exp:ce_str:ing smart}We're all just bricks in "the wall," & that's the truth.{/exp:ce_str:ing}


We&#8217;re all just bricks in &#8220;the wall,&#8221; &amp; that&#8217;s the truth.


SmartyPants Typographer easily translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities.


{exp:ce_str:ing smartypants}We're all just bricks in "the wall," & that's the truth.{/exp:ce_str:ing}


We&#8217;re all just bricks in &#8220;the wall,&#8221; & that&#8217;s the truth.


Find position of first occurrence of a string. The haystack is the string passed in as tagdata. This method differs from the native PHP stripos function, because it returns -1 if the string is not found, as opposed to the native response of FALSE. Unlike the strpos, stripos is case-insensitive.


  • needle: If needle is not a string, it is converted to an integer and applied as the ordinal value of a character.
  • offset: The optional offset parameter allows you to specify which character in haystack to start searching. The position returned is still relative to the beginning of haystack. Defaults to 0.
{exp:ce_str:ing stripos="apples"}The Oranges{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: -1

{exp:ce_str:ing stripos="apples"}The Apples{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: 4


Find position of first occurrence of a string. The haystack is the string passed in as tagdata. This method differs from the native PHP strpos function, because it returns -1 if the string is not found, as opposed to the native response of FALSE.


  • needle: If needle is not a string, it is converted to an integer and applied as the ordinal value of a character.
  • offset: The optional offset parameter allows you to specify which character in haystack to start searching. The position returned is still relative to the beginning of haystack. Defaults to 0.
{exp:ce_str:ing strpos="apples"}oranges{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: -1

{exp:ce_str:ing strpos="apples"}apples{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: 0


Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string. Unlike strrpos, strripos is case-insensitive. The haystack is the string passed in as tagdata. This method differs from the native PHP strpos function, because it returns -1 if the string is not found, as opposed to the native response of FALSE.


  • needle:
  • offset: If specified, search will stop this number of characters counted from the beginning of the string. If the value is negative, search will instead start from that many characters from the end of the string.
{exp:ce_str:ing strripos="aB"}ababcd{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: 2


Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of needle in the haystack string. The haystack is the string passed in as tagdata. This method differes from the native PHP strpos function, because it returns -1 if the string is not found, as opposed to the native response of FALSE.


  • needle:
  • offset: If specified, search will stop this number of characters counted from the beginning of the string. If the value is negative, search will instead start from that many characters from the end of the string.
{exp:ce_str:ing strrpos="7|-5"}0123456789a123456789b123456789c{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: 17

{exp:ce_str:ing strrpos="7|20"}0123456789a123456789b123456789c{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: 27

{exp:ce_str:ing strrpos="7|28"}0123456789a123456789b123456789c{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: -1


The ExpressionEngine® template parser tends to leave a lot of extra line breaks in rendered pages. This method allows you to whittle down those line breaks and tighten up your output.

  • threshold: This is the minimum number of line breaks that need to be present before replacing them. Defaults to 2.
  • replace: This is the number of line breaks to reduce to. Defaults to 1.

Here’s an example using the default parameters (which is the same as swap_breaks="2|1"). If there are two or more consecutive line breaks, they will be reduced to one line break:

{exp:ce_str:ing swap_breaks}
<!-- start slipsum code -->
<p>Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense!</p>

<p>In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero. And most times they're friends, like you and me!</p>

<p>I should've known way back when... You know why, David? Because of the kids. They called me Mr Glass.</p>
<!-- end slipsum code -->


<!-- start slipsum code -->
<p>Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense!</p>
<p>In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero. And most times they're friends, like you and me!</p>
<p>I should've known way back when... You know why, David? Because of the kids. They called me Mr Glass.</p>
<!-- end slipsum code -->

Here’s the same example, but using custom parameters 3|2. Anytime there are three or more line breaks, they will be reduced to two:

{exp:ce_str:ing swap_breaks="3|2"}
<!-- start slipsum code -->
<p>Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense!</p>

<p>In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero. And most times they're friends, like you and me!</p>

<p>I should've known way back when... You know why, David? Because of the kids. They called me Mr Glass.</p>
<!-- end slipsum code -->


<!-- start slipsum code -->
<p>Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense!</p>

<p>In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero. And most times they're friends, like you and me!</p>

<p>I should've known way back when... You know why, David? Because of the kids. They called me Mr Glass.</p>
<!-- end slipsum code -->


Gets XHTML from a Textile-markup string.


{exp:ce_str:ing textile}h2. A *simple* _example_.{/exp:ce_str:ing}


<h2>A <strong>simple</strong> <em>example</em>.</h2>


Converts a url_title to title case.

  • separator: The url_title separator. Defaults to the EE word_separator config value.

Note: For the following examples, keep in mind that the default word_separator is -.

{exp:ce_str:ing to_title}my-article-title{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: My Article Title

{exp:ce_str:ing to_title="_"}my_article_title{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: My Article Title


Truncates text. Cuts a string to the length of $length and replaces the last characters with the ending if the text is longer than length.

  • length: Length of the returned string, including the ending. Defaults to 500.
  • ending: The text that will be appended to the truncated string.
  • exact: If 'yes', the text will be truncated mid-word. The default is 'no'.
  • html: If 'yes', HTML tags will be handled correctly. The default is 'yes'.
{exp:ce_str:ing truncate="10"}<p><span>A span inside a paragraph.</span></p>{/exp:ce_str:ing}


{exp:ce_str:ing remove_html truncate="18"}<p><span>A span inside a paragraph.</span></p>{/exp:ce_str:ing}


A span&hellip;


Auto-links Twitter content.

  • links @username to the user's Twitter profile page
  • links regular links
  • links hashtags to a Twitter search of that hashtag
{exp:ce_str:ing twitterfy}CE Image by @causingeffect is the nuts. #eecms - @croxton (Mark Croxton) -{/exp:ce_str:ing}


CE Image by <a href="" target="_blank">@causingeffect</a> is the nuts. <a href="" target="_blank">#eecms</a> - <a href="" target="_blank">@croxton</a> (Mark Croxton) - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Make a string uppercase. This will automatically work with multi-byte strings if possible (if the mb_strtoupper function is available to PHP).

{exp:ce_str:ing uppercase}Mary Had A Little Lamb in São Paulo and She LOVED It So{/exp:ce_str:ing}



Converts a string to an EE url_title.

  • separator: The word separator. Can be either - or _. Defaults to the EE word_separator config value.
  • lowercase: Should the url_title be lowercase? Defaults to 'yes'

Note: For the following examples, keep in mind that the default word_separator for this site is -.

{exp:ce_str:ing url_title}My Article Title{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: my-article-title


When using UTF-8 as a charset, htmlentities will only convert 1-byte and 2-byte characters. Use this method if you also want to convert 3-byte and 4-byte characters.

  • encode tags: Encode the html tags? Defaults to 'no'

You may or may not see the tagdata characters in your editor; they are an mdash and a right single quote.

{exp:ce_str:ing utf8tohtml}— ’{/exp:ce_str:ing}

Returns: &#8212; &#8217;


Limits text to a maximum number of words.

  • words: The maximum number of words. Defaults to 500
{exp:ce_str:ing word_limit="15"}I ask somebody what the time is / But time doesn't matter to them yet / People talking without speaking / Trying to take what they can get{/exp:ce_str:ing}


I ask somebody what the time is / But time doesn't matter to them yet&#8230;

Note: Keep in mind that this method always appends to the end of the string. The truncate method is overall much more robust and flexible.


The built in ExpressionEngine® XSS (cross-site scripting) sanitization method.

{exp:ce_str:ing xss_clean}<p>This is a <span>great</span> test.</p><script>var dangerous;</script>{/exp:ce_str:ing}


<p>This is a <span>great</span> test.</p>[removed]var dangerous;[removed]